Monday, February 18, 2013

I found this advertisement to be visually stunning. The presentation utilizes all four aspects of design in an extremely effective way. 
The contrast between the vibrant colors of the shoe and the black background draws the viewer’s eye directly to the center of the page. The contrast between the black background and the white Adidas trademark also makes the brand name stand out. The contrast between the bright colors of the shoe gives the sneaker an out-of-this-world, space alien vibe. This adds to the overall theme of the ad, of a celestial sneaker coming down like a meteor to Earth.
The repetition of bright colors in every section of the shoe makes the ad consistent, and the Adidas stripes on the shoe match the stripes trademark. There is also repetition in the font color, keeping consistent with the white against the black background. 
The alignment puts the most important piece, the shoe, as the center of the advertisement. This gives the product power and the focus of the viewer. Both the shoe and the trademark are in the middle of the page, which gives the ad a balanced look. If the Adidas trademark had been placed anywhere else on the page, it would’ve been distracting. This way, the viewer can see the shoe, and then know what brand it is so they can go out and purchase it. The trademark is smaller so it doesn’t take away from the shoe. 
There is plenty of white (in this case, black) background space, which gives the advertisement a clean look. If the trademark and the shoe were any closer together in proximity, the advertisement would look cluttered. The viewer is not overwhelmed by too many things on the page. The shoe is so colorful and vibrant, it stands alone, and doesn’t need anything else to visually support it. 

Image analysis: "Come With a Story"

Proximity is obvious, because the advertisement is really only one image, but it's working. Sherlock and Snow White, intertwined, are about as close as they can get. This adds to the fantasy of a gloriously connected world of books; further, in a book exchange, people trade stories and connect with each other as well. Considering that, the morphing of two characters in each of these ads (another features Red Riding Hood and the White Whale) is brilliant.

Repetition in the colors; the red bow and red "Come with one story" header are close to being top and bottom thirds, and work especially well to bound the space. I'm also taking "consistency" literally and noticing the texture throughout. It's all suggestive of a book: tangible paper. The ad is very visually pleasing; I would probably hang it on my wall.

The contrast is marked. Blank-sheet-of-paper background and the shadow making the silhouettes come to life: these are three-dimensional characters, apparently. The juxtaposed image is strong, and it's been placed in the center of the space and allowed to tell a story.

As much as I love this ad, I'm not sure the alignment of the text is working. Williams suggests we "try to break away from a centered alignment," unless it's deliberate and adding something to the image. Like the law of thirds in photography, anything perfectly centered can be distracting, and because the bottom of the Snow White image is open, the eye is drawn down to the tab of text, expecting it to be connected in some visual way. Which it isn't. If you zoom in, the arrangement of the text is clever, resembling a title page and continuing the book theme; but I think it would be more legible and distract less from the central picture if it was expanded and removed from its bright-white box.

CRAP Analysis: Kaitlin Schmidt

Contrast strikes the viewer first. Because the image is small and the background is large, and the image is white where the background is black, the eye travels to the center of the design. By leaving "white space" (in this case, black), more emphasis lies on the central image, and thus the central image is striking. The text is also white on black; it accomplishes the same thing. Moreover, the text pulls attention because there isn't much of it. In addition, like the business card example we saw in the "CRAP" article, the URL for the website is in bold and a different font. A small image is placed next to the URL. All of this allows the audience's eyes not to drift off the page, but to stop short at the bolded text because it is emphasized beyond the previous line of text.

The repetition of this piece lies in the color. Both the joints and the text are white, providing the ad unity. If the designer had used red (or whatever) for the text, the ad would have survived, but perhaps would be less aesthetically pleasing due to a lack of unity. The repetition works hand in hand with the contrast.

All of the text aligns to the right side of the page. This unifies the whole advertisement, and does not confuse the viewer visually. The unified alignment is controlled, which is psychologically satisfying.

By placing the text together, and below the image, the designer placed more emphasis on the image: the eye moves down the page and hits the image first, rather than the text. If half the text were at the top of the page, it would distract from the image. By placing all of the text in proximity, the designer captures the viewer's attention with the image. After that interest is sparked, many viewers might become interested in what the text has to say.
Also, by placing the text in proximity, the URL is the natural result of the phrase of the preceding line, "join the discussion." It would have been acceptable to place the URL above the line of text, perhaps, but a viewer might skip over it without considering it important or relevant. By placing it immediately after "join the discussion" (in the same alignment), it is implied that in order to join the discussion, go to this website. If A, then B. The designer used the layout to instruct the viewer on where to "join the discussion," rather than using text (i.e. "in order to join the discussion, go to _______") and detracting emphasis from the rest of the advertisement.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

CRAP Analysis, Lindsey Hubbart

This advertisement may seem simple, but it effectively demonstrates the principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. It uses contrast in various ways. First, there is contrast between the “Love you Mom” typed and the same phrase written out in the young boy’s handwriting. The first one seems dull and impersonal, while the handwriting seems to come to life and shows that the boy really cares about his mom. Contrast is also used with the Bic logo, which is yellow. Since it is the only yellow part of the advertisement, it stands out against the white background. The bold typeface in the logo also contrasts against the other text, since it is the only part that is bold. The image of the Bic pen also stands out against the white background.

The image includes two uses of repetition. The first one is the message written by the young boy, Eliot. He says “Love you Mom” twice, the first one on a computer and the second one on with the pen. The repetition of the phrase makes the contrast work. The next use is the repetition of the boy’s handwriting, which is used at the top of the page and again at the bottom to give the overall message of the advertisement: “A lotta you in every stroke.” This use of repetition draws attention to the idea that the handwritten messages are preferable to the typed messages, and that Bic is the best product to use to write those messages.

Alignment is another important element of this design that makes it more visually appealing. Since the pen is the longest image, and the product that is being sold, everything is aligned based on it. The phrase “A lotta you in every stroke” and the Bic logo are centered right above the pen. The two messages from Elliot are just inside of the two ends of the pen. The layout is simple and not distracting, allowing the message to work effectively.

Finally, the use of proximity helps the message makes sense and guides the reader’s eye among the different elements. Since the two uses of “Love you Mom” are next to each other at the top, it helps us to see the contrast more clearly. The message of “A lotta you in every stroke” is located right above the pen, indicating that the use of the Bic pen in the picture will help your personality shine through when you use it to provide handwritten notes.

CRAP Analysis of Pepsi, Jennifer Rudsit

In this ad, Pepsi effectively uses all of the advertisement strategies discussed in the CRAP reading. The first one, contrast, is used very well. In the writing, the word “new” is in a darker shade of blue, which makes it stand out and emphasizes a word that is likely to attract more people to the same Pepsi they've been drinking for years, but in a “new” exciting can. Contrast is also used with the colors in the ad. They only use their logo colors on the model and the can, and then they use a lighter shade of blue to make those logo colors “pop” and stand out. The coloring is also used as repetition – they use the colors from their logo in other parts of the ad. The blue is in the writing and the background, the red is in the model’s sunglasses and lipstick, and the white is in her dress. This keeps those Pepsi logo colors in the viewer’s heads, as well as keeping the ad from getting too cluttered. The ad is also aligned very well. The model drinking the Pepsi forms a triangle shape, which provides a very balanced feel to the ad. Lastly, the proximity of everything in the ad is also effective. Everything in the picture is connected, except for the writing, which isn't too far away from the main image to seem awkward. They use they space very effectively, creating a good balance between the background blue and the main image and writing.

CRAP analysis, Olivia Rogers

          This Yoga Center ad is a strong example of the CRAP principles through its visual appeal, its simplistic presentation and the underlying humor of the medium by which the ad is presented - a bendy straw. The contrast in this ad is very simple and understated. There is a great deal of "white space" in this ad in the form of a grey background. The focal point of the ad is a white bendy straw with a woman contorted into a yoga pose thanks to the flexible part of the straw. The plain background and neutral colors emphasize the woman on the straw and the words "Yoga Center," letting these differences speak for the ad. Repetition is not as large of a part of this particular picture; instead it is more "repetition" through the unifying presence of colors. The vast grey background is the background for the entire ad. The only other colors in this ad are the white of the straw, the repeated black of the text and the woman's clothing, and the flesh color of the hand holding the straw and the yoga woman's exposed body. The viewer's eyes are drawn to the multiple occurrences of black because it is the only dark color in the piece, causing repetition to be effective in this scenario.
          The alignment in this ad gives of a clean look and is appropriate for what it is advertising. The straw is at the correct angle so that the bend at the top perfectly lines up with where a person would be bent if they were achieving this yoga pose. The perfectly diagonal alignment of the straw and the text give this ad an uncluttered, Zen vibe that is beneficial in promoting the practice of yoga. Lastly, the proximity of the text to the flexible yoga woman creates a relationship between them and causes viewers to look at one and then directly at the other. Proximity is not as important of a principle in this piece because there is not a great deal of competing information in this particular ad.  Such a simple ad works in this context because it is advertising an equally simple practice, yoga. The clean lines, neutral colors and few focal points, as well as the amount of white space, echo the Zen theme Yoga Center is trying to portray.
          Overall, the simplicity and calm quality of this ad both effectively draw the viewer's eye towards what the company wants to be seen and advertise the Zen atmosphere of Yoga Center. Through the CRAP principles, and an undertone of humor, this ad is enjoyable and effective.

CRAP Analysis, Henry Stelter

In this Mercedes-Benz advertisement, all four elements discussed in the reading are clearly present. The most clearly illustrated element in this advertisement is contrast, as it is quite visible all over. The first way that contrast is illustrated is through the drastic difference in colors between the car and the mountainous background behind it. While the car is a warm, bright red, the colors that fill the background are much colder and darker, mostly black and various shades of blue. This contrast helps to illuminate and isolate the car as the sole focus of the advertisement, while still providing an interesting and aesthetically pleasing background. The way these colors are presented are also contrasted. While the background is presented in flat colors, the car is presented in a shining, gleaming manner that add much more to the contrast between the background and the car. This, however, is not the only example of contrast visible in the piece. In addition to the contrast formed between the car and the background, the white font that is present is also very different from the dark background. This bright font helps the words to pop out, effectively highlighting them. With as much contrast as there is visible, proximity is not quite as clear. One way that proximity is achieved is the focus placed on the car, with the mercedes-benz text beneath it and the logo above it, all somewhat grouped together. This organization of various pieces could also go into the alignment category, as the alignment of these three pieces help to organize and unify the the objects that are directly associated with mercedes-benz. Finally, the repetition is visible in several areas. The first being the use of the same white font in various places in the advertisement, and the second being the repetition of dark colors used in every part of the background. These color and font repetitions help to unify the advertisement, as it makes it seem like one piece, instead of several unrelated elements, and helps to make it look professional.

CRAP Analysis, Molly Rupp

I found this to be a very effective advertisement. There is a good amount of contrast found in this ad, both within and without the main object portrayed. Between the solid black background and the “tree”, the contrast is created through color and texture. It is interesting to point out, however, that the edges of the “tree” fade somewhat into the black – the edges are blurred slightly and in parts it’s somewhat difficult to tell exactly where the foreground ends and the background begins. There is also contrast within the “tree” itself. The values here are very defined, with the extremes of the value spectrum amplified while the middle values are minimized, giving a sharpness and detail that draws the eye aesthetically. The white letters which give us the message also, obviously, contrast with the black background, drawing the eye to them. Finally, there is contrast in the two pieces that make up the “tree”, which is part of the message. You have the very human hand (extremely realistic and wrinkle-laden) against the dense nature of the leaves, two parts of the world that contrast while still forming together to look like the object they wish to portray – very clearly, a tree.
This brings us to the proximity factor – by placing them so closely together that they seem to meld into one, the advertisers put through the message that they belong together, “Humanity and Nature are one”. The black of the background is repeated in the tree, giving a sense of unity through the piece while still preserving the contrast. As far as alignment goes, I feel that it is satisfactory – the text is not placed arbitrarily, and while the url is placed in the lower right hand, which threw me for a minute, on further inspection I think it works because it grounds the page, especially considering that the arm “falls off” the bottom edge. Without the link, the eye would fall off unpleasantly, and not push the audience back up to the main picture. It is also sometimes rather risky to place the object directly in the middle; however, it works because the edges are cut off on all sides, which creates visual interest. Additionally, the text on the right prevents it from becoming symmetrical to distraction. 

CRAP analysis by Sandra Tully

     I found the online page for Moet & Chandon wines to be very visually appealing. The images are interesting and draw the eye to the page. The web page uses both dark and light imagery to provide contrast to the page. While there are not many colors in the page, the black and white are still very visually stimulating. I also think that the hint of gold glow in otherwise blank spaces of the page causes the reader to explore more than one point on the page without cluttering it with more text. My vision goes from the wine image in the lower center of the ad and is then drawn up with the glowing stars, much like bubbles in a glass of their product. This leads the eye from the product to the company name at the top.
                The text used on the page is very different in font style color, and size. It is aligned perfectly and there is no lone word or piece of text that sticks out by itself. The different wine choices on the side are given the same size and alignment with each other to provide a cohesive list. It is obvious that they go together as types of product since they are grouped together in this way. The shapes are repeated down the page. At the bottom, where there is a man pouring and not a wine, the size and alignment of the picture is the same. It does not stick out or detract from the other wines.
                While there are elements at the top, bottom, and corners of the ad I think that this is necessary for a web page. Additional information about the company is grouped at the bottom of the page. The font used for it is lighter and does not detract from the main focus of the page, the wine itself. At the top of the page aligned left is additional information about the wine. This is also constructed with a lighter less noticeable font. The same font is used at the bottom of the page, providing repetition. This font becomes brighter when hovered over with a mouse. It draws attention to the viewer when needed but otherwise gives the photos of wine the main focus.

CRAP Analysis of Coca-Cola Ad

The advertisement that I chose to do a CRAP analysis on is this depiction of a Coca-Cola product.  This ad exemplifies each of the four design principles discussed in the article.  To begin with the “C”, this image has contrast because of its bold difference between the white background and the red shapes making out the shape of the Coke bottle.  This contrast immediately draws the viewers’ eyes to the company’s product, a Coca-Cola bottle, which is meant to be the focus of the message.  The “R” for repetition is achieved through the continuous use of the color red throughout the entire piece, as well as the use of cursive font in all of the text.  This repetition of similar aspects makes the piece consistent and unified as one work of Coca-Cola.  Alignment, or “A”, is also represented in this ad because of the consistent centering of all the pieces in the ad—the text on the bottle, the text on the bottom, and the bottle itself are all in the middle of the ad space.  This brings immediate balance to the image and makes the visual pleasantly organized.  Finally, the “P” for proximity is definitely evident throughout this ad.  Inside the boundaries of the Coke bottle, there are a bunch of smaller images that represent what one would probably imagine as “American classics”.  Although each image can be classified in this greater category of “classics”, the proximity or grouping of these pictures further aids this relationship, along with their affiliation to the Coca-Cola Company.  Thus, the company, and its product, that the bottle represents is just as much of a “classic” as the images that make up the design and contour of the bottle.  With all of these principles combined, Coca-Cola successfully draws the viewer’s eye to the center of the page, containing the product, and then down to the text explaining the significance of the image above.  With all this, the advertisement certainly achieves the message “a classic (such as Coca-Cola) never goes out of style”.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

CRAP Analysis

This ad is a good example of an effective one because it models the product well along with being visually appealing and demonstrating the CRAPS. It is also humorous, and Band-Aid uses the recent superhero craze in their favor. The lighter green background is necessary to allow the white writing to stand out. The background ripples out from the Hulk’s hand, getting darker as it goes to the corners. The green hue is repetition through the page, which, besides the white lettering, is the only element that does repeat. The textures are different; Hulk’s hand appears to be leather like and rough to the touch, while the background appears soft and light. The eye moves from the white lettering to the Band-Aid on Hulk’s finger, then to the Band-Aid box in the bottom right hand corner. These elements are the only ones that stand out amidst the dark green on the Hulk and the background. The proximity of these images is effective, demonstrating that the Band-Aid on Hulk’s finger is the same as, or related to, the ones in the box. If Hulk’s hand was in any different spot on the page, the ad would not have the same effect. The alignment of the type appears sophisticated as it runs down the page, taking the shape of Hulk’s hand. The various type sizes are perfect and decrease steadily as the page continues. The largest print is the main points, and, even though it isn’t much, the reader still understands that Band-Aids are tough, allowing people to continue with their day even though they have a minor injury. The Hulk never stops being a super hero and a cut on his finger can’t (and doesn’t) slow him down, which implies that this brand of Band-Aids a practical choice for anyone.

CRAP Analysis

This image is an advertisement for a Syfy Show called Being Human. I found this ad to have many successful components that make it a well-designed visual piece of work. The first thing that will grab the reader’s attention is the clear contrast that is vividly presented by the frightening, tall werewolf and the doctor who is left in a puzzled state. These two key figures are extremely different in every aspect, which are recgonized quite easily, such as the clothing attire, the difference in stature and size, physical characteristics and expressions, and the obvious fact that one of the figures is technically not human. The contrast is heightened even further by having the werewolf carry two lovely balloons that boldly clashes against his daunting appearance. And the hidden irony found in the bottom text explains that there may be a harbor of feelings under the wolf’s tough exterior. These contrasting images effectively help to intrigue our interest.
All of the information is presented in an organized and unified style. The text is perfectly aligned at the bottom right corner. It is grouped together in close proximity to show that there is a relationship to be found within the given information. The repetitive bold fonts allow our eyes to make a meaningful connection between Syfy and Being Human. The advertisers want the audience to understand the underlying assumption that the viewer can watch this show on the Syfy Network. Overall, the four basic principles (CRAP) are used effectively in this image, which helps sell the message to their viewers.

CRAP Analysis

The ad that I found from the BUND environmental agency depicts a strong message for the public. The presentation of this poster ad acknowledges each aspect of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity rather precisely. The ad does not have an obvious contrast besides the numbers, arms of the clock and the wall are brownish in comparison to the white body and the red "seconds" arm of the clock. Although the bear is also brown in color, it stands out because it is the only "living" component of the ad that pops out from the picture. The ad is successful in that it was able to turn the attention of the obvious to the bear. When it comes to repetition of the ad, it presents a rather geometric setting, the roundness of the clock, the sharp edged "arms" of the clock and the lines that are representative of each minute of the clock. In addition to the texture of the bear that makes it stand out even more from the clock, the expression of the bear sends a message to the audience that the bear is struggling to survive. Although the colors are not as bright and appealing as most advertisements are, the message that it presents are far from lively. It sets a mood in the audience that this issue of species extinction is grievous and solemn.For alignment, the "arms" of the clock point generally toward the direction of the message, "Every 60 seconds a species dies out. Each minute counts. Each donation helps." The proximity of this ad is successful in that it only presents a piece of the clock that is most important, instead of showing the entire clock. The ad shows enough detail to portray the bear's struggle to survive as each minute goes by. However, the message shown on the top left corner is too small and should be larger because it is the clear message that BUND wants the audience to get.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Found Image Layout--Due 2/17

For this assignment, you will need to find an image and write a brief analysis of it's layout/design, using the concepts from your CRAP reading.

Find an image that you have something to say about (one that either is or is not visually appealing to you is likely going to work best for this assignment). Then write a brief analysis (+/- 300 words) of the design principles at work, making a case for why it is or is not visually appealing.

Rather than adding your work to the comments section of this post, as we've done so far, please begin your own post that includes both the image and your commentary. Everyone should also comment on 2-3 other images posted by classmates to complete the assignment.

If you have accepted the invitation to become a blog author, you should have no difficulty in writing the post. If you haven't accepted the author invite, you will need to do so. If you never received an author invite, that means you a) didn't send me your registration email or b) you sent it and it got lost in my overflowing inbox (please resend).

Please post by Sunday afternoon so that everyone has time to see your post and comment before class on Monday.

Critical Analysis Presentation Choices

Two things:

1. February 2012 is not this month. I get that now. Apparently, it's been a long week. Geesh.

2. Here are the presentations (embedded, even!):

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ted Talks and Reading Response for 2/15

Our conversation on Friday will focus on audience. In addition to your reading in Resonate, you will need to view the following talks (each just 5 - 10 minutes long) and write a response that addresses how the speaker resonating with audience. What moves are they making to address segments of their audience and how is it working?

Please post your responses as soon as possible before class.

Julia Sweeney has "The Talk"

Shabana Basij-Rasikh: "Dare to Educate Afghan Girls"

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ads for 2/13

You do get to watch some form of television for homework. (I looked for a good online episode of Alvin and the Chipmonks circa 1980s, but have yet to find one of good quality...I'll keep looking).

Advertisments are a rhetorician's gold. In class on Wednesday we'll be looking at some of these ads and discussing how they are working--or not (rhetoically, of course). Please view three "best" and three "worst" ads and take a few notes (so that you are prepared with something to say) on what is working/not working within those texts.

Key to discussing the ads will be a discussion of audience, so do thing about which segments of viewers are being targeted by the ads.

Best/Worst Superbowl ads

Friday, February 8, 2013

Benjamin Zander Reading Response for 2/11

The Transformative Power of Classical Music

(I tried to embed the video and it wasn't working today...I'll work on my embedding skills for next week).

For your first reading response, you will need to watch Zander's Ted talk (also referenced in your Resonate reading for Monday) and post a response to the talk. You have quite a bit of room with this response. Focus on what makes Zander's presentation work (or can look at flaws as well) and how you respond to his presentation style. Think about audience engagement and content.

You may use the reading in Resonate to frame your discussion if you wish.

Please publish your responses in the comments section by Sunday afternoon (2/10), following the reading response guidlelines posted earlier.

See you Monday!

Reading Responses

Here is your general assignment for reading responses:

Your Required Contribution: 300 words. (That's a puny minimum. 500 words would be better. There is no maximum.)

How to Contribute: For responses that correlate to a video or reading that has its own link or post on the blog, simply click "Post a Comment," on that post and add your response. You can do this in two ways:
  • Option 1: You can do one big comment to contribute, or you can post a couple of different smaller comments. 
  • Option2: It would be terrific to see you not only posting absolutely original comments but also commenting on each other's comments. The blog allows your responses to become conversations in ways that plain-old paper printouts that you hand to your instructor cannot. So let's converse!
What to write: At times I will ask you specific questions to guide your responses--write responses to within the perameters of those guides. At other times I will ask you to respond without giving any specific notes. In those cases you can respond however you wish. Remeber, always defend claims with evidence. And, be interesting!

Do remember at all times that we are an academic community and you will need to respect the people (and their ideas) in the class. You can disagree, that is encouraged...we are not sheep...but you will need to disagree ethically.

When to publish: You will need to make sure you publish your contributions with enough time to read and respond to others. To me this means that responses should be published the afternoot BEFORE our class meeting.

Questions? Use the comments section!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Hello All!

Welcome to Writing II. We're going to be reading and writing a lot together this term; I think it will be fun and rewarding.

The first thing you will need to do this term (other than read the Course Policies and Syllabus, of course) is register for blogger if you are not already (there should be a little Sign In button up there in the top right corner somewhere) and send me an email (mwolcott[at]whitworth) letting me know what email account you registered with. I will add you as a author to the blog so that you can create your own posts in the future.

Then, we'll get started. More instructions will follow shortly.